Electronic Design

In week 2 the mechanical project of the vending machine structure and motion system was completed. The mechanical project details can be seen in the section Electronic Design


For the cloud server, we created a documentation regards the architecture that will be used. The document *Architecture.MD* can be found in the GitHub, under the server folder.

The purpose of this document is to describe the high-level architecture of the backend server for our project. It includes folder structure, component organization, technologies used, and key design decisions.

Furthermore, we started organizing the repository and updated the folder structure to follow the architecture that we proposed.

Vending Machine App

This week the vending machine app gained its first pages. The interface of the login pages designed on Figma were implemented, as well as the logic behind them. The service for the login pages was also implemented considering the cloud server models and the database schemas created, but the login endpoints are yet to be developed in future tasks so the validation phase of those services will be done in the V&V (validation & verification) phase of the application as planned in the schedule.

Mobile App

App Design

This week's activities regarding the mobile app contemplated finishing the app design. Some adjustments were made on the color palette so that the color contrast was more accessible. With the new screens design, we have the full navigation flow of the app designed and ready for development.

The login and the parent's create account screens represent the first screens the user will see on the app.


Create Account.png

Afterwards, there will be the home screen with no children registered, and the option to register a child, choosing their password image, budget and allowed snacks.


Child Register.png

Budget and Snacks.png

After registering their children, parent's will be able to see how much each child has spent on the home screen, register new children or manage their registered children's accounts.


Manage Child Account.png

Order History.png

While viewing the accounts details, the parent can delete the child's account.

Account Details.png

Delete Account.png